The heart of Lubavitch Girls' Education since 1941.
At Beth Rivkah, we see the future in the eyes of every child who walks through our doors. With more than 2,500 students, ranging from wide-eyed preschoolers to serious young adults, Beth Rivkah provides a powerful educational experience that empowers students to seize the treasure they share — and share it with others.
Beth Rivkah is more than an educational institution: it’s a movement.
"This is the function of the “Bais Rivkah” schools, founded by my saintly father-in-law, the Rebbe: to impress upon the hearts of the students that they are B’nos Yisrael - Jewish daughters, and to explain to them the sanctity of Yiddishkeit, the virtue and purity that it yields, and the responsibility that each one of them bears."
-The Lubavitcher Rebbe's address
at a Beth Rivkah Dinner, 5706 (1946)
Beth Rivkah by the Numbers
Educating our future with a three-prong approach​
Our curriculum is constantly updated to promote lifelong learning, relevance and critical thinking. Our students master skills with our custom designed curriculums. Our staff receives ongoing Professional Development days to enhance their classrooms.
Care is taken to ensure that each department has staff and support personnel to reach each student. With principals, teachers, mechaneches, shluchos and social workers, every student can connect with a role model.
Our goal is to impact our students outside of structured class time. Our students benefit from a variety of extracurricular activities designed to instill values in a positive way, build pride, and give individuals a chance to shine and be noticed.


Our little ones learn through rich play, showered with love and attention.

Rigorous learning and engaging curriculums for growing minds.

There is someone to talk to for every need. Find out the best way to reach them here.

Transition/ Pre1A
A transformative transition year where skills are gently and joyfully imparted.

High School
The warm, spirited atmosphere and caring role models creates leaders.

Where 1st-3rd graders are taught to love learning and love themselves.

Rich instructors, leadership and teaching opportunities converge to create the Divison of Higher Learning.

After School Program
Enriching voracious minds with extra resources and extra fun.
Day Camp
When the school year ends, the fun and growth keep going.
You are an important part of our community.
Alumnae, join
the EmBrace
You are spread across the globe and lead diverse and varied lives. You are leaders in your communities, mothers and grandmothers, teachers, artists and professionals. Yet, you have one common denominator—Bais Rivkah.
Welcome to the EMBRACE
a space dedicated to connecting you with Bais Rivkah friends and inspiring and enriching your life.

Thank you to our supporters for investing in Beth Rivkah education: