Bais Rivkah Home
Your daughter's home-away-from-home
The Bais Rivkah home-style dormitories are available if your daughter will need lodging during High School.
Dorm registration for the 5786 school year opens 22 Shevat 5785.
As of the 5786 school year, all dorm applications, including those for returning students, must be completed through the website.
The Beth Rivkah Scholarship Fund is accepting applications through May 20, 2022
The registration fee and student fees are due May 20, 2022
Tuition payment plans are required before June 23, 2022.
There will be an additional $200 reopening fee after this date.
474 East N.Y. Ave.
551 Empire Blvd.
370 Crown St.
482 Crown St.

Please note: Acceptance to the dormitory is contingent upon acceptance to Beth Rivkah High School.
For any further questions regarding the dorm registration, please reach out directly to
Mrs. Zaklikovsky via WhatsApp at (609) 610-8264.